Wednesday, April 18, 2012


You know it's getting closer and closer to travel time when you catch yourself in the middle of town hall meetings at work imagining...

I'm getting up from a refreshed sleep in my comfy bed in room #6 at Goodwin House in Keswick. I'm showering, having a lovely full English breakfast, and putting on my daypack - excited that today maybe I'll break some personal walking record. (Mind you, that's not really hard to do!)

Unlike most days in England, it's crisp, clear, and perfect walking weather. I've borrowed Dawn's hiking dog, Kimmi. Got my GPS, my hiking stick, water, and a sense of adventure on. I'm heading out the door.

Walking to the shoreline, I catch a ferry to a spot on the opposite shore. I've always wanted to do that.

"And now we'll hear from project manager "X" on how to funnel widgets through square holes."

I try to stifle out the widget talk, with a glance up the mountain. I head through the trees on the shoreline and up the incline. Kimmi already knows the way, so it's pretty easy to just follow along behind her. She's got a bright green tennis ball in her face. I'm assuming at some point, I shall become the defacto dog entertainment center.

But, until that point, I'm heading uphill through the verdent forest. I can smell fresh foliage and wet earth. Kimmi is smiling and panting. We get to the top of the ridge and I can see...

"Now, we're going to hear from project manager "Y" on how to funnel widgets from square holes back onto the assembly line."

forever, it seems. The sky is so blue, and Derwentwater spreads below like a cool reminder of pure water lapping against the shore, lake fish, and the unmatchable peace of nature.

I turn my face upward, and like my elderly friend Margaret, I murmer out loud..."I love the sun."

I take a lot of photos which will some day end up on the cover of National Geographic. Perhaps the one of me tossing a slobber-soaked tennis ball to Kimmi. The one of me in my element... in England... in the forest... by the lakes.

But, for now,








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